It’s not easy being green

Today I’m getting over my first (and hopefully last) bout of Montezuma’s Revenge. We’re not exactly sure what caused it. Theories range from some salte{n~}as I ate on Sunday night to my drinking of tap water at the seminario (which I mistakenly believed was filtered).

Regardless, I’m feeling better. This was something I knew would happen eventually. From now on, I’ll be boiling all my water at the seminario and storing it in water bottles. That should help.

Speaking of Sunday, that was an interesting day. I spent the first half of the day with Yoli at church. The church is small compared to Grace, about 100 or 150 people, but it’s right next to her house. The service began with congregational wroship and then after that the different age groups split into their own classes. I helped Yoli lead a preschool class. When she was in the U.S. she had worked with me in children’s ministry at Grace, so it was fun to have the tables turned and see how she did things. We played several little games and Yoli used flannels to teach about Jesus and the feeding of the 5000. When all the kids and adults came together again in the church, each group recited the verse they had learned.

Later that day we went to Eliza (Yoli’s sister) and Boris’ to watch “Spiderman.” I had bought the DVD for Yoli for Christmas. I brought my PowerBook and connected it to their TV and that’s how we played the DVD. It worked great.

On Monday I felt pretty sick all day, which didn’t make for a great day. Still, I got to have dinner with Russell Penney (the rector of the seminario) and his family. We had some interesting discussion. Then after that we went to a prayer meeting at GMU. All the missionaries in Santa Cruz who are sponsored by GMU were there, as well as a few people from the seminary. It was a good time of sharing and praying. We also had a special time of praying for a Bolivian missionary family that is moving to Potosi to prepare the way for a program of pastoral training. Pastors are badly needed in that part of Bolivia.

Work on the website is coming along well. Once I have something a little more final, I may post a link here so you can look at the progress.

it’s nice to hear from you all through email and through the comments on this site. Take care!

3 Replies to “It’s not easy being green”

  1. Maybe the sickness had a little to do with the fact you have exceeded the alotted amount of times one can watch 2 Towers in the theater……

  2. Sick = Not fun. Hope you don’t have to deal with that any more.
    Don’t listen to Justin, Two Towers rocks.

  3. Well, Josh, the excitement for your adventure continues to grow in North America. Aunt Karen has been printing up your daily entries for Nan, and she in turn has taken them to the bowling alley and shared them with her friends. So please, don’t leave us in suspense-we are hungering for every crumb you will drop for us. Could you print a picture of you and Yoli on the site? P.S. Your Opinion Shaper article came out today-no doubt you should receive some sort of North county ambasssador award. Well done. love,mom

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