Yoli sent even MORE photos for your viewing pleasure.
Jadzia dancing “B-I-N-G-O” in Spanish.
At the birthday party of Yoli’s high school classmate Karina. Also, Carol and Enrique from high school are there.
Ludi and Jadzia playing with the children of Yoli’s high school classmates.
Ludi playing in the bed with her cousins Génesis and Raquel.
Jadzia likes going to her “school” at El Jordán, where Heidi is her teacher.
Ludi has become good friends with Corina’s cousin Jenny.
Yoli taught a cake decorating class for the girls at El Jordán. They show off the soccer ball cake they decorated together.
And here’s another cake they made, a baby shower cake.
Yoli’s friend Dora holds her new baby boy, Abner Kenneth.