The girls

A quick update on Yoli’s situation: not too much has changed for her. Things remain relatively quiet in Santa Cruz. On the national and international level, there are some signs that the Bolivia crisis is “cooling off.”:

With more time to spend in Bolivia, Yoli has begun teaching cross-stitch to some students at El Jordán.

She tells me that Ludi has been speaking some things rather clearly in Spanish: “No quiero” (I don’t want); “Dame” (Give me); “No toque mama” (don’t touch, mama); “Coma” (eat! (as a command)).

Because Jadzia has accumulated a couple of goody bags from various birthday parties, she is constantly asking for candy or cookies. In terms of real food, she seems to crave cornflakes and tacos.

Yoli says that Jadzia seems a bit bored and maybe ready to go home. Of course it doesn’t help that Yoli was telling her they would be going home in advance of Sunday’s flight … and then it was cancelled. So she had to explain that to Jadzia, who probably doesn’t really understand.

Yoli has interviewed her mom on tape for our family history project. She says that her mom surprised her, talking in great detail and sharing many memories from when she was young. There were stories that Yoli had not heard before.

2 Replies to “The girls”

  1. Josh, we’ve been following your blog of the entire Bolivian trip with great interest, and the people there as well as Yoli and the girls are in our prayers. We hope the conflict settles down and they can come home on the 24th without further problems. Meanwhile, it looks like Yoli is making very good use of her extended time there and who knows, the interview with her mother might not have been so detailed at another time. It’s amazing that Ludi is already speaking Spanish. I’m confident that all is going to be well. Keep on keeping us posted!

  2. Josh, All of the children’s workers will be praying for all of you tomorrow at Friendship International. We’re anxious to get our hands on the girls and give Yoli a big hug. Linda

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