It was all very simple food, but boy, we sure ate a lot on Friday.
Great Experiments in Bolivia
Our kids love yogurt — specifically Yoli’s homemade yogurt. Bolivian store bought yogurt is runnier than what we eat in America, but just as sweet. The girls, surprisingly, have complained about this.
So yoli is trying to make her own yogurt today, using the heat of the coils behind the refrigerator. We’ll find out tonight if it worked or not.
Blustery birthday
Thursday was Yoli’s birthday and her dad insisted we have a big meal of _salte{n~}as_ to celebrate. So we came over in the late morning to his place so Yoli could watch/learn/help him prepare the food.
A big wind had kicked up that lasted all day. Dust was flying all over the place. It was Ceti Alpha V come to life.
(How do you like that for a __Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan__ reference?)
Sublime picnic
We had an all-day picnic today at Corina and Marco’s farm near Urub{o’}. It’s in the same vicinity as the “Biocentro Guembe”: that we visited two years ago, but much further out from civilization.
The farm was just beautiful with an amazing view. They have been working for two years to clear it of trees, etc. Now they have horses, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, dogs, cats, a rhea (ostrich), and a monkey. They are growing potatoes, yucca, tomatoes, lemons, herbs, and probably other things I can’t remember. Not to mention the huge pavilion, an adobe oven, and a sand volleyball court.
A tasty and festive day
Bolivia’s Independence Day is this Friday, and the official state celebration will be held this year in Santa Cruz, rather than Sucre or La Paz (the capital and government seat of the country, respectively).
There are lots of festivities leading up to the day. This morning we went to Yoli’s old school, Instituto Superior de Bellas Artes, which her niece Melany now attends.
Home base
The past two days we’ve basically stayed here at El Jord{a’}n.
Yesterday was pretty much a rest-up day, and today Yoli was teaching a cross-stitch class in the afternoon.
We didn’t bring many (make that “any”) toys for the girls to play with. I like to pack as light as possible, but we still ended up bringing a good deal of luggage because Yoli brought many gifts and clothes to give away.
But we spend time playing around on the patio using an old basketball as a soccer ball. We have also been doing a lot of reading. Today we finished “Little House on the Prairie.” Jadzia had really been pushing me to read a lot chapters each day because she and Ludi wanted to begin the next book, “Farmer Boy.”
Two days of family gatherings
The last two days we have spent almost entirely with family.
Dust in the wind, bodies in the ballpit
After several nice days at Caba{n~}as de Traudi in Samaipata, it was time to head back to Santa Cruz — to celebrate Ludi’s birthday.
The kettle is whistling
Wednesday I was the first one awake in the morning. I went outside to look at the Traudi grounds, since all had been dark when we arrived the evening before.
Things were pretty much the same as they had been a few years ago when we were here for our friend Corina’s wedding. Jadzia was just a toddler that time.
I talked briefly with one of the worker ladies and asked if there was any breakfast. She said they could make some, and asked for how many. I told her for five, but that my family was still sleeping I thought she told me that when we would come over they would prepare something.
Anyway, after a while I got everyone up and we began to get dressed and what not. I asked Yoli to check with those ladies to make sure everything was kosher.
As it turned out, the breakfast was going to be pricey — and it was already set out for us. Oops.
The road to Samaipata goes ever on
To follow up on our posting about Monday, we had a really fun time at Yoli’s parents’ house. We visited with three of Yoli’s sisters and their children. Jadzia and Ludi and Josie played well with their cousins, and Don Hector delighted in showing off his cable television channels to me. Much _mate_ and many little breads were consumed. Yoli also brought some springerle cookies for her family to try.
Tuesday we spent the morning eating breakfast and later Yoli ran some shopping errands while I watched the girls at El Jord{a’}n.