Just a bunch of photos I took over the course of Saturday at Don Hector and Doña Lucila’s house.
Climbing the cathedral
Friday morning we headed over to the Plaza 24 de Septiembre at the heart of Santa Cruz. The scenic cathedral at one corner of the plaza, the Basilica Menor de San Lorenzo, opened a mirador several years ago. In 2008, we tried to go up, but could not because we got there after 11:30 a.m. and it closed at noon.
We got a late start to our morning (as we usually do), and it was looking like this attempt would turn out to be a repeat of two years ago. But we got to the cathedral right on time and had no problems going up.
Maybe we are a little crazy, climbing twisty stairs with four children in tow, just for a nice view. But we like church towers, faros, and observation towers. That’s the way we roll.
Tio Adonay and Tia Miriam
We decided to visit Tio Adonay’s crypt at the cemetery on Wednesday morning. Yoli’s sister Sara came over with her son César, and she would take us there.
Sublime picnic
We had an all-day picnic today at Corina and Marco’s farm near Urubó. It’s in the same vicinity as the Biocentro Guembe that we visited two years ago, but much further out from civilization.
The farm was just beautiful with an amazing view. They have been working for two years to clear it of trees, etc. Now they have horses, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, dogs, cats, a rhea (ostrich), and a monkey. They are growing potatoes, yucca, tomatoes, lemons, herbs, and probably other things I can’t remember. Not to mention the huge pavilion, an adobe oven, and a sand volleyball court.
Electric showers in Bolivia and other bits
Back in 2003 when I first visited Bolivia, I wrote several times about the electric showerheads they use here. The one in my bathroom at that time was particularly pesky.
I know I have new readers now who are completely unfamiliar with the idea of an electric shower, so I thought I’d step you through it.
Continue reading “Electric showers in Bolivia and other bits”
More pics than you can shake a stick at
I was able to borrow a USB cable Saturday and worked on our trip photos later in the evening.
I had originally planned to update my previous blog entries with the photos that matched the stories. However it has taken too long to work on these photos (my Pismo PowerBook G3 is getting long in the tooth), so I’m just dumping them all into one big, new blog entry. I hope you enjoy.
Putzing around the Plaza
Thursday morning we decided to take the girls to visit Santa Cruz’s Plaza.
A couple years ago they sort of revamped the plaza. They removed many trees and made other changes. At the time it didn’t look so good, but now that the trees have grown back it looks much better. There are also city guards all over the place who keep away street vendors and vagrants. This is somewhat controversial, but I suppose it does make the Plaza more inviting for tourists.
Paradise: BioCentro Guembe
We spent all day Monday at the BioCentro Guembe, a new tourist destination in a suburban area near Santa Cruz called Urubó.
Quick note: I have posted the following photo entries in such a way so that scrolling from the top of the page you’ll go from our earliest to newest photos. The photos start in La Paz, where our trip began three weeks ago.
PHOTOS: Tiwanaku
A view of the temple at Tiwanaku.