MARRIED – At long last!

Greetings from Mr. and Mrs. Josh Renaud!

Unfortunately we never really had a chance to connect my computer to the internet to update the website. We were just too busy!

However, rest assured that the week went very well and we are back in the States, preparing to enjoy our honeymoon at Clearwater Lake near Piedmont, Missouri.

Of course, you probably want to know about the wedding. It was an amazing and memorable experience.
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Back in Bolivia: My week-long journey to marriage begins

I’m dealing with one of those classic “unrealities” right now. Here I am, back in Bolivia after nine months away. I’ve been re-united with the love of my life, I’ve greeted and spent most of the day with my future-in-laws, I attended the Avant prayer meeting and caught up with several missionaries I knew before (and heard reports about those I knew who were absent).

The unreality is that my parents are here.
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The Voyage Home (yet another Trek-inspired title)

I got into St. Louis at about noon on Thursday. I was tired and sore and scraggly-looking. But my mom was pleased to see me, and it was good to be back.

My departure began on Wednesday. Yoli and I spent the day finishing the last details of the website, then burning CDs for everyone I had done projects for–the seminary, El Jord{a’}n, and “Casa Hogar Nacer”: I made sure I burned a special CD for Glennie that included the lone Jerry Douglas song I found for him.

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Making lists, checking ’em twice

Today and tomorrow will probably be very busy as I make all my last-minute arrangements for the trip.

I’m using a technique I learned during my time at the Management Seminar for Newspaper Editors a few years back. Basically I’m making an agenda, or list of things that need to be done. When I make myself do it, using an agenda is quite helpful.

I’m also making another list, this one is more of an inventory. I’m writing down everything that I’m packing to take with me. That way if my luggage is lost or stolen, I can report exactly what I need to have replaced.

I feel like Gollum

In “The Two Towers” he moans and screams “It burns, it burns us!” because of the Elf-made rope that Samwise uses to tie him up.

Well, my arms they are a-burnin’ and a-stingin’ from my immunization shots. But that’s okay… At least I’ll be protected and healthy on my trip. And thankfully I got in and out of the health clinic quickly.

Quick enough, in fact, that I was able to get to UMSL in time to take my second (and final) exit exam. With that out of the way, I should officially graduate this Sunday. Wow, how about that. I made it out in 4.5 years. Not bad!

Swimming in PowerBooks

Well, the past few days I’ve been trying desperately to find a good deal on an Apple PowerBook or iBook to take with me to Bolivia. While I’m down there I’ll be designing a website for the Seminario Teologico de Hebron, and probably helping some other missionaries with publications.

Twice I thought I had hooked up with somebody who had the perfect computer at the right price, but both times it hasn’t worked out, and not because of anything I’ve done.

I know if I am patient God will lead me to a very good deal. I just have to trust him. But it’s not easy… I’ve got a lot of offers from folks… and none of them are exactly what I need. Some are less, some are more. But I know it will work out.

A rollercoaster day

Today was a mix of emotions. I was delighted to get an hour to chat with Yoli online this morning and to find out that our god-child was delivered safely last night. She doesn’t have a name yet, so I suggested a few names from the Bible.

But unfortunately, other things happened that clouded my day.

Continue reading “A rollercoaster day”

Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve, and all’s quiet here. I spent the last hour and a half tweaking the stylesheets for this weblog, and I think I’ve finally found a format that I like.

The main thing on my mind is going to Bolivia and seeing Yoli again. I miss her very much.

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