Video from Nacer

I recently completed a video that Yoli and I shot when we visited the Hogar Nacer boys’ home in January. (I know, it took forever)

You can see it on the Nacer Ministries website.

UPDATE (April 2013):

The website I designed for Nacer Ministries has been superseded by a new website: “Nacer USA”: Please visit this site for the latest information about Nacer.

You can still see my “original design for the Nacer Ministries website”: thanks to the Internet Archive. The video we shot is also available there.

Twice the rice

Monday was a tough day at the Seminary. They’ve been facing an incredibly tight budget and now they have a personnel problem as well.

It was frustrating for me, because I wanted to purchase web hosting and get the site online before the day was over. But Rusty, the rector of the seminary, was busy most of the day and couldn’t come until late in the afternoon.

On the lighter side, Louise took a photo of Yoli and I with her digital camera, so enjoy!

Continue reading “Twice the rice”


There wasn’t much new Monday, except for the heat. It got very hot today!

Monday morning, Yoli and I went back to El Jordán to do some work. She spent much of her time translating a prayer newsletter for Corina, while I brought my laptop and did some work for the El Jordán brochures I was asked to do.

Continue reading “HEAT WAVE!”

It’s not easy being green

Today I’m getting over my first (and hopefully last) bout of Montezuma’s Revenge. We’re not exactly sure what caused it. Theories range from some salte{n~}as I ate on Sunday night to my drinking of tap water at the seminario (which I mistakenly believed was filtered).

Regardless, I’m feeling better. This was something I knew would happen eventually. From now on, I’ll be boiling all my water at the seminario and storing it in water bottles. That should help.

Continue reading “It’s not easy being green”

Good weather and the Lord of the Rings… who could ask for anything more?

Well, I’m still behind with my entries. This entry was originally written Saturday.

Saturday was Registration for the seminario. There were many students who came to get registered for classes. They come from all over South America, and some of them are Indians. Originally I was supposed to help calculate the total cost for students’ books as they came through the line. But it turned out that they didn’t need me to do that, so I stayed in the office with Yoli and the other secretary, Noemi (not Yoli’s sister). I ended up working on the website. I did some basic layout things and also visited many other seminario websites for ideas. I also am thinking about revising the seminario’s logo using Adobe Illustrator. We’ll see how that goes.

Continue reading “Good weather and the Lord of the Rings… who could ask for anything more?”

The Club, Bolivia-style

Day two of my Bolivian experience ran the gamut. This entry was written Friday night, but I couldn’t post it until Saturday (today).

I woke up early Friday morning and prepared to take a shower. Thankfully the guest shower has hot water. It doesn’t use a hot water heater like in the U.S. Instead it is an electric shower head that heats the water as it flows through the head. I was a little scared of the thing, truth be told. I envisioned being electrocuted or something. Actually, it worked well. The problem was that the water pressure was too high and caused the bottom of the head to pop off. I had to screw it on several times before I got it tight enough to stay.
Continue reading “The Club, Bolivia-style”

Swimming in PowerBooks

Well, the past few days I’ve been trying desperately to find a good deal on an Apple PowerBook or iBook to take with me to Bolivia. While I’m down there I’ll be designing a website for the Seminario Teologico de Hebron, and probably helping some other missionaries with publications.

Twice I thought I had hooked up with somebody who had the perfect computer at the right price, but both times it hasn’t worked out, and not because of anything I’ve done.

I know if I am patient God will lead me to a very good deal. I just have to trust him. But it’s not easy… I’ve got a lot of offers from folks… and none of them are exactly what I need. Some are less, some are more. But I know it will work out.