The walls came down … and they’re going up

When I first came to Bolivia, my wife was a volunteer at El Jordan, a center of support for street kids. It’s a place where street kids can learn practical skills to make an honest living and get off the street. It’s an amazing place that is changing lives.

On Wedneday we got to see a long-time project that is finally coming to fruition. Dubbed “Jericho,” it’s an expansion onto the next door property.

Yoli and got to visit the construction site. It was amazing. The frame of the 4-story building is mostly finished. What remains is to cover all the walls with cement and do all the finishing work. We crawled all over it, even standing on the open fourth floor and enjoying a spectacular view of the city.

Yoli shot a bunch of video and when we get back to the states we will edit it and post it here on the website. It’s interesting to see the standard construction technique there compared with the ways we do things here. Almost all buildings there are built of hollow bricks and covered with cement.

In any case, the progress has wowed us and it’s exciting to think how El Jordan will be able to expand its ministry once the new building opens its doors.